
The Computing Lab curriculum is always updating and expanding. We currently offer homework tasks for Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9).

Key Stage 3 Computing.

Section Task
Networks and the Internet
LANs and WANs
Quickfire: Pros and Cons of a Network
Wired and Wireless Networks
Quickfire: Pros and Cons of a Wireless Network
Intro to the Internet
Data Packets
Network Security Measures
Data Protection and Copyright
Data Representation
Logic Gates
Logic Circuits
Truth Tables
Logical Expressions
Intro to Binary Numbers
Converting from Binary to Denary
Binary to Denary Conversion Practice: Part 1
Binary to Denary Conversion Practice: Part 2
Converting from Denary to Binary
Denary to Binary Conversion Practice: Part 1
Denary to Binary Conversion Practice: Part 2
Binary Addition
Binary Addition Practice: Part 1
Binary Addition Practice: Part 2
Characters and Character Sets
Binary to Text Conversion Practice
Text to Binary Conversion Practice
Intro to Images
Image Quality
Intro to Sound
Sound Quality
Pattern Recognition
Writing Algorithms
Intro to Flow Diagrams
Analysing Flow Diagrams
Linear Search
Binary Search
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Programming Techniques
Data Types
Inputs and Outputs
Sequence Coming Soon
Selection Coming Soon
Iteration: FOR Loops Coming Soon
Iteration: WHILE Loops Coming Soon
Arrays Coming Soon
Computer Systems
Computer Hardware Coming Soon
Input Devices Coming Soon
Output Devices Coming Soon
Structure of the CPU Coming Soon
The Fetch Decode Execute Cycle Coming Soon
RAM and ROM Coming Soon

Check out our roadmap for all information on upcoming sections and tasks.

Ready to get started?